Christmas, 2001


Winter, 2000
Nanny's visit, 2001
Day at Bodega
Family visit, 2001
Jennifer & Ken
Christmas, 2001
Other pictures

The kids opening gifts.

Christmas1.jpg (52889 bytes) 

Ryan reading his own creation, "The Gingerbread Lizard,"  to Ken.

StoryTime.jpg (56058 bytes) 

Advancing in TaeKwonDo.

TaeKwonDo2.jpg (52860 bytes) 

Ken made Sammy a train table for Christmas.  The first thing Sammy and Amber did when they saw it was jump on it.  Good thing it's sturdy.

TrainTable.jpg (24708 bytes)

Poppa and Mimi came for Christmas.  Here's Mimi enjoying a cup of tea.

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